Here at the Adult College, we offer information and advice to assist you to make informed choices about your learning, to help you choose a programme of study that suits your needs and career aspirations.
When you contact the college our Learner Liaison Team will provide information and advice about courses you may wish to study. As part of your learning journey, you will enrol to a free Introduction course, where we will assess your current skills levels and introduce you to our digital platform MS Teams. Our experienced staff will provide you with advice and guidance on the best learning programme for your pathway. Introduction courses take place at our Barking and Dagenham sites at a variety of days and times, you will typically attend for one or two sessions.
Our staff are on hand to provide information and support before, during and after your course. If you have a health, disability, or financial concern, please let us know so we can provide you with support to help you complete your studies.